Dobrica Banković
Faculty of Economics
University of Belgrade
Original research paper
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10901471
received: 10. 12. 2023.
accepted: 12. 1. 2024.
Abstract: This scientific research work deals with the economic situation in Pančevo from 1944 to 1990. The time margins of the research were set in order to attempt to periodize the economic development (therefore the ups and downs) of the city. Although the term economy is very complex and extensive, in this paper it was used as a collective term for a handful of connected phenomena, from which industry, economy and inflation are singled out. Therefore, this research should be the most authentic representation of the economic conditions of the city of Pančevo, through which we follow its development over the decades. The goal of the research is to understand what the economic situation was like in the aforementioned period, as well as to find out how the inhabitants of Pančevo actually lived, in this city whose past was marked by heavy industry. The paper highlights one of the key problems that were current in the city during the research period. Since there are no existing works on this topic in the Pančevo area during the observed period, and considering the topic’s scope, the research process had to be comprehensive. Professional literature together with historical material forms the most important part of the research, which is rounded off with field work using electronic content and collecting oral sources from a certain number of citizens of Pančevo. Of course, all the collected data was carried out through a critical apparatus. The city’s public finances, which include taxes, income, expenses, etc are outside of the scope of this paper.
Keywords: Economic situation, Pančevo, period from 1944 to 1990, industry, life
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