Kristina Đorić
MA in Law
Belgrade, Serbia
Research paper
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6402339
received: 29.11.2021.
accepted: 15.03.2022.
Abstract: There is a lot of talk and writing today about the process of environmental impact assessment (EIA). An essential procedure to protect the environment when planning or to execute projects, changing technology, performing reconstruction, expanding capacity, stopping work, and removing a specific project in industry, mining, energy, transport, or the economy in general. Our legislation had known about this institute since 2004 when the Law on EIA was adopted. The Republic of Serbia was obliged to define by law, given the aspiration to join the European Union and harmonize domestic legislation with their legislation. The EIA is conducted in three stages, where the completion of each stage is a prerequisite for entering the next phase. Each stage ends with an act that does not have a definite legal nature. As this is a particular administrative procedure, it can be concluded that it can be an administrative act or a material act of the administration. Determining the legal nature is vital to know what rights and obligations the participants in the procedure acquire after the end of the stages. At the same time, the doubts related to the legal remedies available to the participants in the procedure are removed. This paper aims to point out the characteristics of decisions made in each phase of the impact assessment procedure. Also, it shows the features of the administrative act. The administration’s material act determines the legal nature of decisions made in the EIA and tries to answer which solution would be best to adopt to remove doubts related to the impact assessment procedure.
Keywords: Environmental impact assessment (EIA), three stages of EIA, special administrative procedure, administrative act, material act of the administration
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