Aleksandar Milovanović
Faculty of Philosophy
University in Belgrade
Research paper
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6402154
received: 19.01.2022.
accepted: 23.03.2022.
Abstract: After the end of the First World War and massive suffering, the newly formed Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenians encountered a large number of problems and war consequences. One very interesting process that is taking place precisely in the course of establishing new state borders and unification relates to emigration. In the period between the two world wars, Yugoslav emigration was characterized by two major types: economic and political emigration. The aim of this paper is to illustrate the social position of the Yugoslav people in emigration and their financial conditions, and a special part of this paper will be about the attitude of the Kingdom towards the emigrants and their repatriation into the country. The research is based on the archival material of the Archives of Yugoslavia, the fund AJ-341 „Embassy of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia in Great Britain-London 1918–1945“. The research results have shown that it was not rare that the emigrants suffered material losses and the kingdom provided help in their repatriation, which required certain financial expenditures of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as the change of the attitude of Yugoslavia due to the great economic crisis and other circumstances that hit the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. The aim of the paper is also to show the authority of the Embassy for emigrants and how the Embassy in London actually mediated between the country of origin and emigrants.
Keywords: Kingdom of Yugoslavia, emigration, Yugoslavs, repatriation
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